The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) is paid for by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). It aims to deliver health and care research in the UK, to improve people’s health and wellbeing.
One way the NIHR does this is by providing the facilities needed to develop and deliver research. In Leeds, the NIHR funds the Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and the Clinical Research Facility (CRF). The BRC and CRF are part of NIHR in Leeds, along with other NIHR grants. The BRC develops experimental research into potential new treatments, diagnostic tests, and technologies.
The CRF delivers early stage and experimental clinical trials. Both the BRC and CRF are run by Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) with the University of Leeds (UoL). LTHT provides the patients and clinical patients. The UoL provides the academic strength and facilities in areas where there is local scientific know-how.
At the heart of the UK, Leeds is a diverse, multicultural community. The research we develop and deliver needs to be relevant to, and reach, our communities, particularly those who are often described as ‘underserved’. We need our research to be relevant to their needs and priorities. The NIHR Leeds BRC and CRF are committed to delivering world-leading research that improves health and well-being for everyone.
You can access the full NIHR Leeds BRC and NIHR Leeds CRF Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy as a PDF file:
Alternatively an accessible plain-text version of the strategy can be read below:
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023-2027
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) is paid for by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). It aims to deliver health and care research in the UK, to improve people’s health and wellbeing.
One way the NIHR does this is by providing the facilities needed to develop and deliver research. In Leeds, the NIHR funds the Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and the Clinical Research Facility (CRF). The BRC and CRF are part of NIHR@Leeds, along with other NIHR grants.
The BRC develops experimental research into potential new treatments, diagnostic tests, and technologies. The CRF delivers early stage and experimental clinical trials.
Both the BRC and CRF are run by Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) with the University of Leeds (UoL). LTHT provides the patients and clinical patients. The UoL provides the academic strength and facilities in areas where there is local scientific know-how.
At the heart of the UK, Leeds is a diverse, multicultural community. The research we develop and deliver needs to be relevant to, and reach, our communities, particularly those who are often described as ‘underserved’. We need our research to be relevant to their needs and priorities. The NIHR@Leeds BRC & CRF are committed to delivering world-leading research that improves health and well-being for everyone.
Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) must be at the core of everything we do, as an essential part of our wider evolving research
culture. Without this, the research we design and deliver will have limited relevance to the patients and public we serve, particularly those who experience the most health inequalities.
Also, we need to have an inclusive environment and culture in the workplace which always considers people’s equity and inclusion needs and with appropriate support to allow them to develop in a way which is meaningful to them and the wider organisation.”
Embedding EDI within all facets of NIHR will help us foster an inclusive environment, engage the talents and energy of diverse people in all areas of our work, and improve the relevance and quality of our research.
This strategy describes our vision of “Research for One and All”. This will help us deliver research opportunities that are open to our diverse patient and staff research communities in the Leeds city region and beyond. We will also grow a workplace where individuals are protected from discrimination, supported by a culture that recognises, values and rewards behaviours that foster collaboration and respect.
Before we go any further, we would like to thank everyone who worked to co-produce this strategy and action plan.
The strategy has been developed in partnership with colleagues at NIHR@Leeds and their respective Patient and Public Involvement, Engagement and Participation (PPIEP) groups. Collectively they have reviewed and improved this strategy through many meetings and discussions. Acknowledging that research inclusion is an iterative and fluid process, our strategy and action plan will be also. We will continue to involve our existing stakeholders and reach out to our EDI colleagues through specific channels and strive for diverse representation on our NIHR@Leeds EDI Strategy Advisory Board (SAB) (See governance structure on page 7).
We also thank the NIHR@Leeds In-Vitro Diagnostic and Surgical Medtech Co-operatives, and our LTHT and UoL senior management teams, for their continued support.
Language is important, and language around EDI is critical. That language must be worked on, and improved, with and through our communities. As part of our strategy, we want to promote clearer understanding among our patients and staff around the following terms.
Equality: Creating a fairer society, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, without discrimination. This means challenging obstacles that limit an individual’s opportunities to succeed.
Equity: Equity goes further, by recognising that each person has different circumstances. We need to provide the resources and opportunities they need to achieve the same outcomes.
Diversity: Recognising that each person is unique whenever and wherever they are. It means recognising, understanding, and valuing each person’s abilities, ideas, skills and experiences. We can then start to address the barriers some groups face in accessing health care and research.
Inclusion: Creating an environment and culture where everyone feels they belong, can take part in, and are valued. Everyone in the NIHR@Leeds BRC and CRF has a part to play in this. We will ensure it is at the heart of everything we do with our patients and communities.
Equality Act 2010 – Protected Characteristics
By ‘Protected Characteristics’, we mean characteristics that, in law, cannot be used to discriminate against individuals and/ or communities. This is described in detail in the Equality Act 2010. Some Protected Characteristics such as “disability” may not be obvious or visible.
In addition, we recognise there are other characteristics that can affect health opportunities and outcomes that we must seek to overcome; this is detailed in Cochrane’s PROGRESS-Plus. Some of these characteristics resonate with the NIHR Research Inclusion strategy 2022-27 that highlights a focus on gender identity, socio-economic status, access to care and geographic location. We are aware of intersectionality and how multiple forms of inequality create obstacles; people are shaped by multiple interconnected social categories or lived experiences.
The Leeds Partnership
LTHT is one of the largest hospitals in Europe. It employs over 22,000 staff, an annual budget of £1.4 billion and treats more than 1.7 million patients each year. The UoL is a world-class research and teaching university, and one of the largest universities in the UK with 34,000 students and 10,000 staff.
Leeds city region has a diverse population of 3 million people and more than 140 ethnic groups. One in six people in Leeds is from an ethnic minority group. Our region reflects the whole UK in terms of ethnic and social diversity, deprivation, geography, and multi-morbidity. Arguably, we are in a unique position to tackle health inequalities.
These health inequalities are stark; one in four people live in areas classed as ‘deprived’. Life expectancy is 11.5 years lower for men and 9.4 years lower for women in the most deprived areas of Leeds. We must ensure that our research addresses these deprived communities and others most in need.
While both LTHT and UoL are committed to EDI, we recognise that NIHR@Leeds BRC & CRF face significant challenges:
- We have too little ethnic and social diversity in our academic, clinical academic and research delivery staff, particularly at a senior level
- While we have many female staff, few of them are in the most senior positions
- Our PPIEP community is not representative or diverse enough.
- Likewise, the patients in clinical trials have not been sufficiently representative of our diverse communities.
Development of the Strategy
The NIHR@Leeds BRC and CRF EDI strategy was developed around “Research for One and All” through co-production with stakeholders. These included patients, the public, university researchers, doctors, nurses, healthcare, and other professionals working across both organisations.
We will review, refresh, and ratify our strategy at a joint workshop before the end of 2023.
EDI, PPIEP and promoting an inclusive culture to support these activities run through everything NIHR@Leeds BRC & CRF do. While EDI and PPIEP are distinct and different, there is critical overlap in our activities. This relates to creating and delivering inclusive research, serving our patients and public. We will also support our staff in putting these activities at the heart of our working practices. We have thought about these strategies to make sure they complement each other.
This strategy is a living document. As such, will evolve over time and adapt to meet the needs of all our stakeholders.
Our vision is to ensure equity, diversity, and inclusion are at the core of everything we do and to make research accessible across all of our diverse communities making “Research for One and All” a reality.
We will:
- Make research accessible to all and ensure improved healthcare is relevant to all.
- Drive change to protect against discrimination and ensure everyone feels valued by embedding EDI values of equity and fairness across our organisations.
- Foster a culture of EDI through constantly monitoring our activities to see what works, what doesn’t, and why. We will adopt, learn and share with our local and national partners drawing on this to make changes happen.
Our Stakeholders
Our stakeholders and partners are shown below. In addition, several of our stakeholders have developed their own EDI strategies that have informed and underpinned our NIHR@Leeds BRC & CRF EDI strategy. Links to these strategies are included at the end of this document.
Mapping Our Journey
Our strategy has five themes. We have assessed each theme against defined maturity levels to establish where we are now, and where we aim to be in five years’ time.
Our organisations meet the minimum requirements but we are keen to make improvements
There are gaps in our practice which we will seek to bridge
EDI becomes embedded in our organisational strategies as we work towards co-creating an inclusive culture
With leadership commitment EDI becomes part of our core values, goals and practices
Our inclusive cultures become integral to our brands and we lead on best EDI practices
Our Themes
1. Ensuring EDI Oversight and Governance
We will create an NIHR@Leeds EDI Strategy Advisory Board (SAB) with members from NIHR@Leeds BRC & CRF, and our stakeholders (Year 1-2), who will drive this strategy forward (Years 1-5).
2. Developing our EDI maturity
We will map our EDI situation by collecting and tracking staff and public contributors’ characteristic data, working wherever possible with LTHT and UoL (Year 1-2); Working with our EDI Staff Champions we will develop our EDI maturity through positive employee engagement (Years 2-5)
3. Developing a better staff EDI culture
Building upon EDI training already delivered through Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, University of Leeds and NIHR, we will work with the LTHT Research Academy (Training and Education Centre) to create a range of foundation EDI training packages (Years 1-2) and intermediate-advanced EDI training packages (Years 3-5). In addition, we will work with colleagues to shape and embed a positive research culture in all we do (Years 1-5).
4. Improving staff recruitment and retention
We will review our staff recruitment processes to ensure they are transparent and fair (Years 1-2). In addition, we will work to enhance and support an inclusive professional development process for all our staff and work to identify if and where staff are leaving due to their protected characteristics and what we need to do to improve staff retention (Year 3-5).
5. Enhancing participation and encouraging inclusivity in research
We will promote our “Research for One and All” culture, seeking out and engaging with our communities and underserved populations through community engagement activities, social media and co-designed webinars (Year 1-5).
To establish where NIHR@Leeds BRC & CRF are now, and how we are making progress, we will collect information about the characteristics of our staff and communities. Wherever possible, we will use information that people have already provided. If we need to collect extra information, we will do so only with people’s agreement.
We have made sure each of our objectives around these themes is “SMART”, meaning they are:
- Specific (simple, sensible, significant)
- Measurable (meaningful, motivating)
- Achievable (agreed, attainable)
- Relevant (reasonable, realistic, and resourced, results-based)
- Time bound (time-based, time-limited, time/ cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)
This will make it possible to measure our progress in meeting our NIHR@Leeds BRC and CRF EDI aims in delivering “Research for One and All”.
1. Ensuring EDI Oversight and Governance
SMART Objective
We will create an NIHR@Leeds EDI Strategy Advisory Board (SAB) with members from NIHR@Leeds BRC & CRF, and our stakeholders (Year 1-2), who will drive this strategy forward (Years 1-5).
2. Developing our EDI maturity
SMART Objective
We will map our EDI situation by collecting and tracking staff and public contributors’ characteristic data, working wherever possible with LTHT and UoL (Year 1-2); Working with our EDI Staff Champions we will develop our EDI maturity through positive employee engagement (Years 2-5)
3. Developing a better staff EDI culture
SMART Objective
Building upon EDI training already delivered through Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, University of Leeds and NIHR, we will work with the LTHT Research Academy (Training and Education Centre) to create a range of foundation EDI training packages (Years 1-2) and intermediate-advanced EDI training packages (Years 3-5). In addition, we will work with colleagues to shape and embed a positive research culture in all we do (Years 1-5).
4. Improving staff recruitment and retention
SMART Objective
We will review our staff recruitment processes to ensure they are transparent and fair (Years 1-2). In addition, we will work to enhance and support an inclusive professional development process for all our staff and work to identify if and where staff are leaving due to their protected characteristics and what we need to do to improve staff retention (Year 3-5).
5. Enhancing participation and encouraging inclusivity in research
SMART Objective
We will promote our “Research for One and All” culture, seeking out and engaging with our communities and underserved populations through community engagement activities, social media and co-designed webinars (Year 1-5).
Why these themes?
Our vision and themes are built on and in line with the NIHR’s Research Inclusion Strategy 2022-2027. Their strategy focuses on reducing inequalities and increasing inclusion across their entire people framework. We too are committed to this in our vision of ‘Research for one and all’.
The NIHR Research Inclusion Strategy 2022- 27 sets out the following five themes to collaboratively implement inclusive practice in their research, culture, and systems’:
- Become a more inclusive funder of research
- Widen access and participation for greater diversity and inclusion
- Improve and invest in the NIHR talent pipeline
- Embed evidence-led diversity and inclusion approaches
- Collaborate with partners for impact and sustainability
Following the implementation and delivery of our NIHR@Leeds BRC/CRF EDI strategy we will work towards achieving the NIHR themes in a way that is relevant to us as infrastructure organisations by ultimately creating a supportive and equitable environment and culture with the appropriate tools and resources available for all to deliver inclusive research practices with all.
Building upon the stakeholder engagement we have done to develop our strategy and action plan, we will appoint an ‘NIHR@Leeds EDI Strategy Advisory Group’ (SAB), which will meet quarterly. The purpose of the SAB will be to provide oversight and accountability for
the delivery of the NIHR@Leeds BRC/CRF EDI strategy. The BRC and CRF Inclusion leads will co-chair the meetings.
Membership will include:
- BRC Inclusion Lead (funded 0.2 FTE)
- CRF Inclusion Lead (funded 0.2 FTE)
- BRC Senior Management: BRC Deputy Director, Director of Operations, PPIEP Manager
- CRF Senior Management: Clinical Director +/- Deputy Director; Operational Manager, Lead Nurse
- LTHT R&I Senior Management: Associate Director of Operations: Research, R&I Lead Nurse, PPIEP Manager
- BRC & CRF Public Contributor representatives
- BRC & CRF EDI Staff Champions
- University of Leeds EDI Lead from Faculty of Medicine
- University of York Deputy Director of the Epidemiology and Cancer Statistics Group
Activities will be allocated from the NIHR@ Leeds EDI SAB meetings to ‘Task and Finish’ groups, which will have an identified SAB lead and members. The lead will be responsible for delivery of the ‘Task’, providing updates at SAB meetings and identifying any necessary support needs.
As EDI is an iterative process, our strategy and action plan will be fluid allowing us to adjust based upon our learnings. To support this, we will co-opt relevant stakeholders onto the SAB where necessary.
Measuring our progress, impact, and reporting
As referenced in the NIHR Research Inclusion strategy, improving EDI outcomes is always a cumulative process due to the complexity of the issues it tackles. We too will adopt a learning approach through our activity and evidence/best practice available from our peers.
There will be an annual ‘review, refresh and renew’ of our EDI strategy and action plan with members of the SAB, as well as progress, any updates/amendments will be shared with our respective Executive
Boards and the UoL & LTHT Joint Partnership Board. The NIHR will also be sent progress reports annually as well as any updated version, as well as this being available through externally facing communications e.g., websites.
Internally, we will provide progress reports every 3 months to our NIHR@Leeds BRC & CRF Executive Boards which will be fed into the UoL & LTHT Joint Partnership Board.
1. Ensuring EDI Oversight and Governance
Number: 1.1, Year: 1
Intended outcome: A robust oversight and governance framework.
Action: An NIHR@Leeds EDI Strategy Advisory Board (SAB) will be convened and will include members from the BRC, CRF and R&I Senior Management Team, Inclusion Leads and Public Contributors.
Responsible person/group
BRC Senior Management Team and BRC Inclusion Lead : The NIHR@Leeds EDI SAB will establish Terms of Reference and hold the 1st meeting by 31/10/23. BRC members will include Senior Management Team, BRC Inclusion Lead, and at least 1 Public Contributor.
CRF Senior Management Team and CRF Inclusion Lead: The NIHR@Leeds EDI SAB will establish Terms of Reference and hold the 1st meeting by 31/10/23. CRF members will include Senior Management Team, CRF Inclusion Lead and at least 1 Public Contributor.
Number: 1.2, Year: 1
Intended outcome: A clear and accessible strategy with a ratified action plan.
Action: We will host a joint workshop with our stakeholders to review, refresh, and ratify our strategy and make recommendations for how to deliver this strategy.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: BRC Inclusion Lead will co-chair the workshop event with support from the EDI SAB before 30/11/23. The refreshed strategy will be reviewed and approved by the NIHR@Leeds EDI SAB prior to uploading to the BRC website by 31/12/23.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: CRF Inclusion Lead will co-chair the workshop event with support from the EDI SAB before 30/11/23. The refreshed strategy will be reviewed and approved by the NIHR@Leeds EDI SAB prior to uploading to the CRF website by 31/12/23.
Number: 1.3, Year: 2-5
Intended outcome: A co-produced and up-to-date EDI strategy reviewed annually.
Action: We will host an annual workshop with our stakeholders to review, refresh and report impact.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: The BRC Inclusion Lead supported by the EDI SAB Task and Finish Group will co-chair the workshop event which will be held in November of each year from 2024-2027. The refreshed strategy will be reviewed and approved by the NIHR@Leeds EDI SAB prior to uploading to the BRC website by the end of December each year.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: CRF Inclusion Lead supported by the EDI SAB Task and Finish Group will co-chair the workshop event which will be held in November. The refreshed strategy will be reviewed and approved by the NIHR@ Leeds EDI SAB prior to uploading to the CRF website by the end of December each year.
2. Developing our EDI Maturity
Number: 2.1, Year: 1-2
Intended outcome: EDI principles and discussions embedded within the infrastructure teams.
Action: We will appoint at least 2 EDI staff champions to focus on embedding EDI principles within the BRC and CRF agenda, working with BRC & CRF Senior Management Team members.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead and EDI SAB : The BRC Inclusion Lead and the EDI SAB will widely advertise the opportunity for staff members to become EDI Staff Champions and will appoint at least 1 staff member by the end of Year 1.
CRF Inclusion Lead and EDI SAB: The CRF Inclusion Lead, and the EDI SAB will widely advertise the opportunity for staff members to become EDI Staff Champions and will appoint at least 1 staff member by the end of Year 1.
Number: 2.2, Year: 1
Intended outcome: Inequalities and disparities identified.
Action: We will assess the main examples and causes of inequalities in health research through an appropriate EDI framework
e.g., Race Equality Framework. Details will be added in later versions of this document.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead and EDI SAB: The BRC Inclusion Lead and EDI SAB will engage in self-reflection through the identified framework (tbc) to gain a deeper understanding of current practices, policies, and culture regarding EDI as a first step towards addressing and dismantling disparities. The team will co-produce an output report with recommendations to the BRC Executive Board by the end of Year 1.
CRF Inclusion Lead and EDI SAB: The CRF Inclusion Lead and EDI SAB will engage in self-reflection through the identified framework (tbc) to gain a deeper understanding of current practices, policies, and culture regarding EDI as a first step towards addressing and dismantling disparities. The team will co-produce an output report with recommendations to the CRF Executive Board by the end of Year 1.
Number: 2.3, Year: 2-3
Intended outcome: Goal setting and action planning.
Action: We will develop and deliver an implementation plan based upon the outputs of the identified EDI Framework. Details will be added in later versions of this document.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: By the end of Year 3 the Team will have used the identified EDI Framework to develop clear and measurable goals for achieving equality in the BRC. By using the framework, the Team will set specific objectives, timelines, and action plans to improve representation, address systemic barriers, and foster inclusivity. The Team will establish a mechanism for accountability and ongoing monitoring and will report their progress to the BRC Executive Board on a 6 monthly basis. This will enable regular assessments to track the implementation of actions, measure outcomes, and evaluate the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at promoting EDI.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: By the end of Year 3 the Team will have used the identified EDI Framework to develop clear and measurable goals for achieving equality in the CRF. By using the framework, the Team will set specific objectives, timelines, and action plans to improve representation, address systemic barriers, and foster inclusivity. The Team will establish a mechanism for accountability and ongoing monitoring and will report their progress to the CRF Executive Group on a 6 monthly basis. This will enable regular assessments to track the implementation of actions, measure outcomes, and evaluate the effectiveness of initiatives aimed at promoting EDI.
Number: 2.4, Year: 2-5
Intended outcome: Exploration of current practices and improvements made to foster positive employee engagement.
Action: We will create opportunities for employee input, feedback, and suggestions in current employment practices.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead and EDI staff champion(s): The BRC Inclusion Lead will work with the staff champion(s) to explore and share widely existing employee resource groups or affinity networks to provide a platform for underrepresented employees to share their experiences and perspectives by the end of Year 2. By the end of year 3 we will have established routes to seek employee feedback through surveys and focus groups. By the end of Year 4 we will have launched an interactive staff EDI webpage on the BRC website. Annual progress reports will be submitted to the BRC Executive Board for oversight.
CRF Inclusion Lead and EDI staff champion(s): The CRF Inclusion Lead will work with the staff champion(s) to explore and share widely existing employee resource groups or affinity networks to provide a platform for underrepresented employees to share their experiences and perspectives by the end of Year 2. By the end of year 3 we will have established routes to seek employee feedback through surveys and focus groups. By the end of Year 4 we will have launched an interactive staff EDI webpage on our the CRF website. Annual progress reports will be submitted to the CRF Executive Group for oversight.
Number: 2.5, Year: 1-2
Intended outcome: Assessment of existing information gathered about staff characteristics
Action: We will develop a staff characteristic questionnaire to generate a baseline for staff characteristics.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: The team will explore what EDI data is already collected by our institutions and address any relevant gaps by producing, through collaborated design, a questionnaire for collecting data across the 9 protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010 and other characteristics. This will be submitted to the BRC Executive Board for approval prior to distribution by the end of Year 1. The questionnaire will be circulated to BRC staff over a 3-month period with results analysed and presented to the EDI SAB by the end of Year 2.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: The team will explore what EDI data is already collected by LTHT and address any relevant gaps by producing, through collaborated design, a questionnaire for collecting data across the 9 protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010 and other characteristics. This will be submitted to the CRF Executive Group for approval prior to distribution by the end of Year 1. The questionnaire will be circulated to CRF staff over a 3-month period with results analysed and presented to the EDI SAB by the end of Year 2.
Number: 2.6, Year: 1-5
Intended outcome: Gathering information about staff characteristics brought into standard practice.
Action: We will collect characteristic information from new staff.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: In Year 2, completion of the characteristic questionnaire will be requested from all new BRC staff (part of the induction pack) who commenced after the initial questionnaire has been circulated. The results will be collated and analysed and presented annually to the BRC Executive Board.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: In Year 2, completion of the characteristic questionnaire will be requested from all new CRF staff (part of the induction pack) who commenced after the initial questionnaire has been circulated. The results will be collated and analysed and presented annually to the CRF Executive Group.
Number: 2.7, Year: 1-5
Intended outcome: Sharing and learning from best practice with our partners and stakeholders.
Action: We will seek out opportunities to work with new partners to exchange best practices in EDI, learn from their experiences, and establish partnerships.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead and EDI SAB: The team will gain at least 1 new partner/stakeholder each year and will submit at least 1 EDI focused abstract to a national annual conference each year.
CRF Inclusion Lead and EDI SAB: The team will gain at least 1 new partner/stakeholder each year and will submit at least 1 EDI focused abstract to the NIHR UKCRF Network annual conference each year.
Number: 2.8, Year: 3-5
Intended outcome: Progress assessed, with gaps identified and targets set.
Action: We will publish annual characteristic monitoring data collected from the BRC & CRF staff members on our websites.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: The BRC team will liaise with the Trust’s Informatics Team and University of Leeds Equality and Inclusion Unit to enable EDI monitoring data to be collected from BRC staff members. This will be publicly available through the BRC website by end of Year 3 and will be updated each year.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: The CRF team will liaise with the Trust’s Informatics Team and the Equality and Inclusion Team to enable EDI monitoring data to be collected from CRF staff members. This will be publicly available through the CRF website by end of Year 3 and will be updated each year.
3. Developing a better staff EDI culture
Number: 3.1, Year: 1-2
Intended outcome: Increased staff awareness of points of contact to raise concerns relating to EDI matters.
Action: Share and promote practices within our institutions to staff.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead: Information shared with BRC staff about LTHT and UoL ‘Freedom to Speak up Guardians’.
CRF Inclusion Lead: Information shared with CRF staff about LTHT and UoL ‘Freedom to Speak up Guardians’.
Number: 3.2, Year: 1-2
Intended outcome: A foundation learning resource for staff to cultivate an understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Action: We will work with the Research Academy to develop and launch a foundation learning resource to EDI for all BRC and CRF staff.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Building upon existing EDI training within the NIHR, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, University of Leeds, and University of York, we will create a foundation learning resource for BRC staff with the LTHT Research Academy by the end of Year 2. Quantitative and qualitative metrics will be submitted annually to the BRC Executive Board.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Building upon existing EDI training within the NIHR and the Trust, we will create a foundation learning resource for CRF staff with the LTHT Research Academy by the end of Year 2. Quantitative and qualitative metrics will be submitted annually to the CRF Executive Group.
Number: 3.3, Year: 3-5
Intended outcome: An intermediate to advanced learning resource for staff to cultivate an understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Action: We will work with the Research Academy to develop and launch an intermediate to advanced EDI training resources available to all staff.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Following evaluation of the Foundation Learning Resource, we will create an intermediate to advanced learning resource for BRC staff with the LTHT Research Academy by the end of Year 4. Quantitative and qualitative metrics will be submitted annually to the BRC Executive Board.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Following evaluation of the Foundation Learning Resource, we will create an intermediate to advanced learning resource for CRF staff with the LTHT Research Academy by the end of Year 4. Quantitative and qualitative metrics will be submitted annually to the CRF Executive Group.
Number: 3.4, Year: 1-5
Intended outcome: A supportive and productive research environment.
Action: Working with colleagues at the University of Leeds, we will explore how we can embed elements of the Research Culture strategy in our activity.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group, and University of Leeds Dean for Research Culture: By the end of Year 2 the BRC Inclusion Lead will have met with the University’s Dean for Research Culture and produced an implementation plan to include elements of the Research Culture strategy into our activity. An annual activities report will be submitted to the BRC Executive Board in Years 3-5.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group and University of Leeds Dean for Research Culture: By the end of Year 2 the CRF Inclusion Lead will have met with the University’s Dean for Research Culture and produced an implementation plan to include elements of the Research Culture strategy into our activity. An annual activities report will be submitted to the CRF Executive Group during years 3-5.
4. Improving staff recruitment and retention
Number: 4.1, Year: 1-2
Intended outcome: Support inclusive professional development.
Action: We will ensure staff professional development opportunities are fair and identify processes for line managers to report reasons for barriers to professional development and whether protected characteristics are part of this.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, LTHT Research Academy: By the end of Year 1 the BRC Inclusion Lead will have collaborated with LTHT Research Academy and develop a suitable platform that will promote local, regional, and national professional development opportunities that BRC staff can access. By the end of Year 2 processes will have been developed for BRC staff to report barriers to professional development due to their protected characteristics. The BRC Inclusion Lead will annually report identified reasons and possible solutions to the BRC Executive Board.
CRF Inclusion Lead and LTHT Research Academy: By the end of Year 1 the CRF Inclusion Lead will have collaborated with LTHT Research Academy and develop a suitable platform that will promote local, regional, and national professional development opportunities that CRF staff can access. By the end of Year 2 processes will have been developed for CRF staff to report barriers to professional development due to their protected characteristics. The CRF Inclusion Lead will annually report identified reasons and possible solutions to the CRF Executive Group.
Number: 4.2, Year: 3-5
Intended outcome: A more inclusive recruitment process, which attracts diverse talent with protected characteristics, leading to a more diverse and representative workforce.
Action: We will work to improve diversify the EDI profiles of staff recruited to research through establishing positive recruitment processes.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: By the end of Year 3 we will have completed a review of the previous 12 months staff with protected characteristics recruitment metrics to establish the BRC’s baseline. The team will have engaged with the University Equality and Diversity Unit and Trust Human Resources departments to assess the BRC recruitment processes to attract diverse talent through inclusive job descriptions, advertisements, unbiased recruitment processes and use of diverse recruitment channels. By the end of Year 4 we will work with the LTHT Research Academy to source or develop unconscious bias awareness and inclusive hiring practices training for BRC Managers.
Through Year 3-5 we will actively engage and participate in at least one event each year with community organisations (outreach initiatives), educational institutions (career fairs), and professional associations (networking events) that represent protected characteristics to connect with potential candidates and members of the public to build relationships with diverse communities. Quarterly update reports will be submitted to the BRC Executive Board.
CRF Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: By the end of Year 3 we will have conducted a review of the previous 12 months staff with protected characteristics recruitment metrics to establish the CRF’s baseline. The team will have engaged with the Trust’s Human Resources department to assess the CRF recruitment processes to attract diverse talent through inclusive job descriptions, advertisements, unbiased recruitment processes and use of diverse recruitment channels. By the end of Year 4 we will work with the LTHT Research Academy to source or develop unconscious bias awareness and inclusive hiring practices training for CRF Managers.
Through Year 3-5 we will actively engage and participate in at least one event each year with community organisations (outreach initiatives), educational institutions (career fairs), and professional associations (networking events) that represent protected characteristics to connect with potential candidates and members of the public to build relationships with diverse communities. Quarterly update reports will be submitted to the CF Executive Group.
Number: 4.3, Year: 3-5
Intended outcome: Identify areas for improvement for staff members who identify as having protected characteristics
Action: We will review existing staff exit questionnaire data to establish whether themes relating to protected characteristics can be identified. If so, we will work with our stakeholders to develop and make changes.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: At the end of Year 3 we will report to the BRC Executive Board the previous 12 months BRC staff exit questionnaires which will be analysed to identify potential themes relating to protected characteristics. If themes are identified an action plan to improve retention will be developed with our stakeholders. This will be repeated in Year 4 and 5.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: At the end of Year 3 we will report to the CRF Executive Group the previous 12 months CRF staff exit questionnaires which will be analysed to identify potential themes relating to protected characteristics. If themes are identified an action plan to improve retention will be developed with our stakeholders. This will be repeated in Year 4 and 5.
5. Enhancing participation and encouraging inclusivity in research
Number: 5.1, Year: 1-2
Intended outcome: Recruitment of Community Research Champions to extend our community reach
Action: We will recruit two new public contributors as Community Research Champions to further extend our reach, building confidence and trust with our diverse communities.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead & PPIEP Team: By the end of Year 2 we will have recruited at least 1 BRC Community Research Champion.
CRF Inclusion Lead & LTHT PPIEP Team: By the end of Year 2 we will have recruited at least 1 CRF Community Research Champion.
Number: 5.2, Year: 1-2
Intended outcome: Working relationships established within the local community to develop and deliver inclusive PPIEP activities
Action: We will appoint staff members to work with our local communities to build a network of sustainable relationships understanding their needs when designing/delivering inclusive PPIEP activities.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead & PPIEP Team: By the end of Year 2 we will have appointed BRC staff to seek connections with local communities and established a community network.
CRF Inclusion Lead & LTHT PPIEP Team: By the end of Year 2 we will have appointed CRF staff to seek connections with local communities and established a community network.
Number: 5.3, Year: 1-2
Intended outcome: Information gathered to inform decisions and create an inclusive and effective PPIEP environment
Action: We will develop a public contributor’s characteristic questionnaire to assess the current landscape.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead & PPIEP Team: Following NIHR guidance we will produce a questionnaire for collecting data across the 9 protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010 and additional characteristics where appropriate. This will be submitted to the EDI SAB for approval prior to distribution by the end of Year 1. The questionnaire will be circulated to Public Contributors over a 3-month period with results analysed and presented to the BRC Executive Board by the end of Year 2.
Number: 5.4, Year: 2-3
Intended outcome: Comprehensive understanding of our participants to address biases and inform decision making or policies to ensure research is accessible
Action: We will work with the Trust to develop processes to collect, and map protected characteristic data from our research participants.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: In Year 2 we will scope and co-develop processes to collect participant protected characteristic data with the Trust’s Data Informatics Team. By the end of Year 3 we will have commenced, and mapped BRC participant protected characteristic data, reporting annually to the BRC Executive Board.
CRF Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: In Year 2 we will scope and co-develop processes to collect participant protected characteristic data with the Trust’s Data Informatics Team. By the end of Year 3 we will have commenced, and mapped CRF participant protected characteristic data, reporting annually to the CRF Executive Group.
Number: 5.5, Year: 3-5
Intended outcome: Progress assessed, with gaps identified and targets set
Action: We will publish characteristic monitoring data collected from our PPIEP groups and research participants on our websites.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: The BRC team will liaise with the Trust’s Informatics Team and University of Leeds Equality and Inclusion Unit to enable EDI monitoring data to be collected from PPIEP groups and participants. This will be publicly available through the BRC website by end of Year 3 and will be updated each year.
CRF Inclusion Lead with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: The CRF team will liaise with the Trust’s Informatics Team to enable EDI monitoring data to be collected from PPIEP groups and participants. This will be publicly available through the CRF website by end of Year 3 and will be updated each year.
Number: 5.6, Year: 1-5
Intended outcome: Increased promotion of our PPIEP and research activities and outcomes to a wider digital audience
Action: We will engage with the public through social media.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Throughout Years 1-5 we will actively engage with the public about research and how to get involved. We will engage through the BRC’s social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Activities and social media metrics will be provided to the BRC Executive Board every 6 months.
CRF Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Throughout Years 1-5 we will actively engage with the public about research and how to get involved. We will engage through the CRF’s social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Activities and social media metrics will be provided to the CRF Executive Group every 6 months.
Number: 5.7, Year: 1-5
Intended outcome: Increased promotion of our PPIEP and research activities and outcomes to a wider community audience leading to increased participation
Action: We will engage with the public through live events and activities.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Throughout Years 1-5 we will actively engage with the public about research and how to get involved. We will attend at least 2 community events each year. Activities and social media metrics will be provided to the BRC Executive Board every 6 months.
CRF Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Throughout Years 1-5 we will actively engage with the public about research and how to get involved. We will attend at least 2 events each year. Activities and social media metrics will be provided to the CRF Executive Group every 6 months.
Number: 5.7, Year: 1-5
Intended outcome: Increased promotion of our PPIEP and research activities and outcomes to a wider community audience leading to increased participation
Action: We will engage with the public through live events and activities.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Throughout Years 1-5 we will actively engage with the public about research and how to get involved. We will attend at least 2 community events each year. Activities and social media metrics will be provided to the BRC Executive Board every 6 months.
CRF Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: Throughout Years 1-5 we will actively engage with the public about research and how to get involved. We will attend at least 2 events each year. Activities and social media metrics will be provided to the CRF Executive Group every 6 months.
Number: 5.8, Year: 2-5
Intended outcome: Delivery of PPIEP activities within the community to increase representation from underserved groups
Action: Based on the insight gathered from our community engagement work, we will start to shape inclusive PPIEP activities. Details will be added in later versions of this document.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: In Years 2-5 we will co-design and deliver at least 1 community PPIEP activity each year which supports one or more of the BRC’s themes.
CRF Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: In Years 2-5 we will co-design and deliver at least 1 community PPIEP activity each year which supports one or more of the CRF’s themes.
Number: 5.9, Year: 2-3
Intended outcome: Increased promotion of our PPIEP and research activities and outcomes to a wider digital audience
Action: We will develop engaging content for underserved communities in the public engagement section of our websites and other communication methods.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: By the end of Year 3 we will have established a section on the BRC website dedicated to reaching out and engaging with underserved communities. This will be updated regularly with quarterly website metrics submitted to the BRC Executive Board. This will be complimented by other communication methods so not to digitally exclude e.g. newsletters distributed throughout community networks.
CRF Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: By the end of Year 3 we will have established a section on the CRF website dedicated to reaching out and engaging with underserved communities. This will be updated regularly with quarterly website metrics submitted to the CRF Executive Group. This will be complimented by other communication methods so not to digitally exclude e.g. newsletters distributed throughout community networks.
Number: 5.10, Year: 3-5
Intended outcome: Increased promotion of our PPIEP and research activities and outcomes to a wider community audience leading to increased participation
Action: We will co-develop webinars and in-person communication methods with our Community Research Champions and stakeholders to inspire and encourage people to participate in research.
Responsible person/group
BRC Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: By the end of Year 5 we will have developed a series of research related webinars with input from our Community Research Champions and stakeholders which will be accessible for the public through the BRC website. This will be complimented by other communication methods so not to digitally exclude e.g., in-person activities.
CRF Inclusion Lead, with EDI SAB Task and Finish group: By the end of Year 5 we will have developed a series of research related webinars with input from our Community Research Champions and stakeholders which will be accessible for the public through the CRF website. This will be complimented by other communication methods so not to digitally exclude e.g., in- person activities.
References: Organisational strategies
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- The Leeds Way
- LTHT five-year strategy (2021-2026).
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Leeds
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Leeds Shared Research and Innovation Strategy 2020-2030
University of Leeds (UoL)
National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)
University of York